CAUP Student Center
Spring 2022
Shanghai, China
Prof. Yanbo Li
Individual Work

What should a building that design for ourselves looks like? We are aked to design a building on a site which surrounded by other college buildings, and the functions of it are quite flexible. From my own perspective, our college already has a lot of buildings, either for student or teachers, and their functions focus on drawing, teaching and experiment, ect. However, it still lack a place for us to relax and really communicate with each other.
My design is to create a cradle, or connection. The mix of spaces and the dynamic changes are the embodiment of my concept. I spent a whole semester working on materials and stucture and details, trying to make my design buildable. However, due to the covid quarantine during that time, I never got the chance to make a real model, all I can have are these drawings.
My design is to create a cradle, or connection. The mix of spaces and the dynamic changes are the embodiment of my concept. I spent a whole semester working on materials and stucture and details, trying to make my design buildable. However, due to the covid quarantine during that time, I never got the chance to make a real model, all I can have are these drawings.